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Our address

IKJ Institut für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gGmbH
Saarstr. 1 (2nd floor)
55122 Mainz, Germany

You may contact us at

+49 6131 - 94797-0
+49 6131 - 94797-77

IKJ Institut für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gGmbH

Legal status:
Commercial register:
Commercial register number:
Name of the managing director:
Responsible according to §6 MDStV:
non-profit limited liability company
Industrie- und Handelskammer Mainz
HRB 40356
Prof. Dr. Michael Macsenaere
Dennis Henß

Liability note

Despite careful content control we are not liable for external linked contents. For the content of the linked Websites, responsibilitlies exclusively with the operators of these Web sites.